
A multi-specialty practice located in Orangevale, California, DeBruin Medical Center offers conventional medicine, low-cost care, weight-management services, and cosmetic laser procedures. The facility is led by Dr. Mark DeBruin, a practicing Physician in multiple fields, including pediatrics, chiropractic, sports medicine, dermatology, geriatrics, and women’s health. He earned his medical degree at the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1988.

Conventional family medicine focuses on the patient-physician relationship and building a long-term commitment to wellness. Staff members concentrate on a complete disease management and prevention program. New patients are readily accepted, as are most insurance plans.

Individuals in the community who do not have their own health insurance utilize DeBruin Medical Center for its low-fee medical services. With no hidden co-pays or other fees, the center provides individuals with vital services such as newborn care, women’s health services, and sports medicine at discounted rates.

Cosmetic laser services are available for patients who wish to reduce and contour certain body areas. A low-intensity laser is employed to safely and effectively melt away fat cells in as few as three treatments. Using a semiconductor diode laser, Dr. DeBruin is able to achieve significant changes to patients’ physiques, allowing them to live with more confidence in their appearances. The laser center treatments are noninvasive and are within the budgets of nearly all patients.

A comprehensive weight-management program can be used by DeBruin Medical Center patients in addition to laser treatments or as a standalone initiative. This program to maintain or lose weight is a complete medical plan that requires patients to follow a certain regimen while they also receive encouragement to achieve their weight goals.