Being a family physician is a great privilege and carries with it great responsibility. It is not a part time job, but rather is a full time calling to which I devoted my life. To me it is the most interesting, challenging, and personally rewarding of all professions. Being a family physician is a rare privilege. The family physician should not be so overwhelmed with work that they lose their compassion and burn out prematurely thus leading to impersonal care often seen today.
I believe that the patient-physician relationship, not rules and regulations, should form the foundation of medical care. I strive to provide the highest quality care, emphasizing a comprehensive approach to prevention and disease management. In this challenging era of healthcare, my goal is to rise above constraints and create new methods of providing healthcare for my patients. I want my patients to be completely satisfied with every aspect of their experience
My goal is to provide coordinated, detailed, personalized, quality care medicine to my Concierge patients in an environment of quick easy access and high level service. Patients can feel confident that Dr. DeBruin will be readily available, and as concerned with their welfare as he would be with a close relative or friend. Access to their own personal doctor, with rare exception, should be prompt, direct, and whenever needed.