We offer a complimentary private consultation or group seminar in our office to introduce you to our program. We will go over how the 3 different medical weight management programs work, what is included with each program, the structure of your office visits, the fee structure associated with the different programs and all of the additional elements that go along with your prescribed program. This is the time where you will enroll in one of the programs and you will receive a health questionnaire and some initial paperwork along with a lab slip to get your labs done to ensure that we have a copy of them at your initial office visit.
At this office visit, you will meet with our Program Administrator. The initial meeting will be to review your health questionnaires, your recommended medical weight management program, take your measurements and answer any questions you may have. You will then meet with Dr. Mark I. DeBruin, our Program Director to have your complete physical, review your lab work and prescribe a medical weight management program that best suits your individual needs.
Our medical weight management program stands out above the rest because all of our patients see both our Program Administrator and Dr. Mark I. DeBruin, our Program Director. We will review and address your weight management progress, change any eating habits, exercise routines, supplements and/or medication regimens and answer any questions or concerns you may have.